Digital 转换 加速值
Digital 转换
An organization truly optimized for the digital age perfects the equilibrium between the use of automation 和 human cognition.
的 “混合” organization doesn’t compete with 科技nology, it embraces it. 它们是共生的. In many areas, computers outperform humans. In others, men 和 women outperform the machines. 有远见的人 who can orchestrate the proper balance are in high dem和 和 are creating our digital future. With more creative capacity in h和, companies are accelerating innovation 并提供 employees higher satisfaction 和 the time to focus on the highest value-generating initiatives.
的 organization who 提供s the best customer experience wins.
In the past, organizations would separate digital customer experiences from other touchpoints. 的 hybrid organization recognizes that they need to 提供 a winning customer experience in a digital world. That means that every touchpoint across every br和 across every product line 和 across the entire customer journey should 提供 consistent messaging in order to enrich the customers life. 不再有筒仓.
的 延迟成本 competing is immense, but many times the path forward is unclear.
的 frustration over lack of innovation is often coupled with an unwillingness to consider the new capabilities necessary to play. Without a compass to 自信的领导 consensus building, the fear of change can be paralyzing. Break the inertia with guidance of the digital experts at LCG. Follow their proven compass to pioneer new ground in 你的 industry as they have done countless times before.
最后, digital transformation 一个公司的 重建 变成了某种东西 entirely new - a powerful
不断 improving hybrid entity that thrives in the fast-paced digital world. Unleash 你的 hybrid organization to offer better customer experiences 和 stay ahead of the competition. Learn how LCG can transform 你的 organization from head to toe or outfit it with a new digital strategy to overcome an impasse.
Companies don’t make money, people do. 解放你的人民.
5 Pillars of Digital 转换
Purpose, Platform, People, Process, Performance.
第一个 定义 你的 目的, 然后 你的 desired 业务 outcomes 和 的策略, before selecting platforms
目的: Through a strategic evaluation using our comprehensive assessments, 情景规划, 还有市场调查, we help senior executives determine the right mix of the portfolio of 业务 models they should adopt.
人: If the initiative is to be transformational, 通过定义, you will have people in 你的 organization who have never had reason to collaborate working together to seek new answers in new ways.
性能: TOur process will deliver short-term prototypes, but our customers typically need to fund digital transformation over a three-year period using a strategic roadmap that will create sustainable 和 competitive advantages.
过程: After identifying 和 inventorying major value-driving 和 cost-driving processes in 你的 organization, we will select the ones that align with 你的 desired 业务 outcomes 和 are most likely to positively impact 你的 organization's journey in achieving it.
平台: Your platforms should be assembled around 你的 digital future, not the other way around. 的re’s a reason in our model that 科技nology is last. We will build a capabilities roadmap that will support 你的 desired customer experiences.